Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Voices of Dementia Healthcare Professionals: Catherine Molnar Livingstone

This month, we were extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with Catherine Molnar Livingstone - a fellow Havergal College alumnus. Catherine works in the psycho-social area of dementia care and has unique experiences working as a Recreation Therapist in the Northwest Territories, in addition to launching her start-up, Opal Season, aimed at dementia advocacy and caregiver support. Catherine is here with us today to share her diverse experiences and insights on dementia. 

1.  Tell us about yourself – who you are, what you do, and what your day to day work looks like.

In 2019, I founded a social enterprise start-up called The Opal Season Company. Based in Winnipeg, I work with families and organizations to make dementia-friendly experiences accessible and enjoyable. I focus on psycho-social interventions, palliative spiritual care, and helping care partners support their loved ones with appropriate activities.

To date, I have worked with families, faith groups, researchers and private companies from Yellowknife to New York City, from Australia to Ireland. Until COVID hit, I was traveling back and forth to the UK, meeting with market innovators and undertaking product research. I look forward to getting back on an airplane when everything becomes safe again!

My social enterprise mandate is to support rural and Indigenous Canadians, as these groups typically receive inequitable care in this field. Earlier this year, for example, I worked with an Indigenous group in Alberta to create a dementia education resource for their senior population. We ‘translated’ clinical language into a First Nations-led metaphor of traditional animals (like moose and bears) to explain therapy-based goals and activities.

Currently, I’m working virtually and doing product development. In the spring, I created a prototype that was field-tested by over 120 recreation professionals in 9 countries, so now I’m developing that further. I’m also collaborating on a series of dementia-supportive videos that are an alternative to traditional TV programs; I’m most excited about partnering with an American Congregation of Dominican Sisters on a Christmas video featuring their meditative music, which is well suited for end-of-life care. 

I’m also a Consultant with the American organization ‘Positive Approach to Care’, which is spearheaded by dementia expert and Occupational Therapist Teepa Snow. I place the PAC values of engagement and understanding at the core of my practice with families and community partners.

2. What sparked your interest in healthcare and specifically geriatrics? What made you choose to pursue a career working with seniors with dementia? 

For over 20 years, I actually worked with cultural institutions, museums and community groups across Canada. I have a Master's Degree from the UK, and pursued PhD work in History before focusing exclusively on curatorial programming, museum education and fundraising. 

After a move to the Northwest Territories with my Air Force husband, I pivoted into Recreational Therapy with the Territorial Dementia Facility there – and discovered a new passion: supporting people living with dementia.

As I mentioned, I don’t come from a clinical background, so I’m bringing an entirely different skill set to the team. I found I was good at using my knowledge base to support families with engagement ideas to keep their loved ones feeling valued, productive and cognitively stimulated. This means doing quite a bit of research into people’s lives, and providing them with activities that validate those unique experiences and play to their current physical and cognitive skill strengths.

3. What is it like working with individuals with dementia? What are the most rewarding and challenging moments you have encountered?

I find working with people living with brain change to be incredibly meaningful. The work can be filled with a range of emotions, from fun and laughter, to profound sadness. It’s also an opportunity to open my heart and learn, as I was able to do with the Indigenous Elders I supported in the Northwest Territories. 

It was an honour to serve these seniors, and it took a great deal of willingness to listen and learn from them and their families about how I could best support them with culturally safe practices. Of course, we are hearing more about the residual effects of Residential Schools now – but seeing the present-day ramifications of the damage done, and hearing about it from the Dene and Inuvialuit Elders themselves, was incredibly eye-opening. 

It was very much a daily act of Reconciliation, and something I am very grateful to have been involved in. Part of the reason I founded a social enterprise company is to help ensure seniors in places like Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk receive the same quality of care as southern Canadians.

4. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your work and the elderly you work with? 

Sadly, this pandemic has shone a light on the current challenges in the Canadian care system. It’s incredibly difficult in that facilities need to keep their residents and staff safe, but the moratorium on visitors often mean people are left isolated, confused and frustrated. Early anecdotal evidence seems to suggest this is resulting in a cognitive decline for many people with a diagnosis of dementia.

Recreation staff are now often responsible for providing the entirety of a person’s psychosocial care, without the benefit of small group socializing. They are having to get creative by improvising programs limited to one-to-one interactions within people’s rooms; I'm brainstorming with staff in Canada, the US, and Australia right now on materials that can help with that. 

5. Given the impact of dementia on both the individual and their family/caregivers, what advice would you give to those who have a loved one with dementia? 

Always “assume competence”. It is easy for us currently living without dementia to assume that once they leave the doctor’s office with a diagnosis, our loved one is instantly a “changed” version of themselves, and that they require us to step in and take control of the small stuff.  For instance, we may assume that they no longer are able to do the dishes or take care of yard work.

It’s an instinct that comes from a place of love, but it risks robbing our partner of autonomy and dignity. It can be difficult, but care partners need to be nimble, creative, and ready to improvise to provide their loved one with the best support for the skill strengths they do have. 

Think about “adapting” activities, rather than removing them altogether. But this does take some training and education; supporting people with brain change is a specialized field.

One example I like to use is a pilot program for a dementia-inclusive Book Club I developed last year. I connected with researchers in New Zealand, and used a specially-adapted Charles Dickens novel. Our group included people in early and even mid-stages of dementia, and with a bit of tweaking, we were able to have lively, enriching discussions about classic 19th century literature. It was age-appropriate and above all, assumed competence.  

There are great resources out there, but it does take legwork to find them. The Alzheimer Society should always be people’s first call after they leave the doctor’s office; they can connect you with many services you will need. Finally, if you haven’t heard of the work of Teepa Snow, I would strongly suggest you search her out. (Her lectures are widely available on YouTube and Facebook.) Her way of explaining people’s progression through the disease is by far the most helpful framework I’ve been able to share with families to date.

We would like to sincerely thank Catherine for taking the time to share with us her reflections on working in dementia care. Catherine can be reached at catherine@opalseason.com, through her website www.opalseason.com, or find her on Facebook @theopalseason. In particular, the Companion Cards shown in the image above are available for free on the Opal Season website. She always warmly welcomes hearing from members of the Havergal community.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Voices of Dementia Healthcare Professionals: Dr Patrick Chu

This month, we had the great opportunity to interview Dr. Patrick Chu about his experiences as a geriatrician and how his work with the elderly has changed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Chu works at both North York General Hospital and his community office, and he is here with us today to share his personal experiences and insights on dementia.

1.  Tell us about yourself – who you are, what you do, and what your day to day work looks like.

I graduated from Medical School in University of Hong Kong in 1981. I passed my Membership of Royal College of Physicians of UK in 1985 and received further training in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics in University of Glasgow, Scotland.  I moved to Canada in 1990 and has worked in Geriatrics at North York General Hospital since 1997.  I spend two and a half work days at North York General for Geriatrics and I spend the rest of my time in my office.  My practice is also geriatric biased, with 60% of my patients are over the age of 65.

2.  What sparked your interest in healthcare and specifically geriatrics? What made you choose to pursue a career working with seniors with dementia? 

To enjoy working in health care, one must be ready to SERVE and have a PASSION for life.   These are the 2 major reasons for me to go into the field.  I cannot imagine myself doing anything else.  Medicine is getting very very specialized in the past 40 years and it is very difficult to get doctors who are interested in being a generalist.  To be a good geriatrician one has to be a very sharp generalist before you can help your senior patients.

3.  What is it like working with individuals with dementia? What are the most rewarding and challenging moments you have encountered?

Dementia is one of the major part of my day to day work.  Making a diagnosis of dementia is not hard.  There are guidelines to follow in the diagnostic pathway that facilitate all professionals to make the diagnosis.  Revealing the diagnosis, working with patients and family, and to follow up and providing support for an incurable disease is the most challenging part.

To be able to provide support to patients and family and to receive a positive feedback from the family is the biggest reward One can have.  When patients and family members almost treat you as a friend it indicates you are doing a good job.

4. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your work and the elderly you work with? 

It is hard for seniors during COVID and the number one enemy is ISOLATION.  Many seniors are depressed.  The majority of my consults in the past 6 months are related to these 2 problems.  It is easy for us to say we doctors can assess you Virtually, and convert in person visits to a visit by a laptop or IPad.  Too many seniors have extreme difficulty with the internet and gadgets, and many of them cannot afford wifi at home.  Most seniors love the face to face contact to meet with a doctor or health care professional.  Using Virtual is just not something they feel comfortable with.

5. Given the impact of dementia on both the individual and their family/caregivers, what advice would you give to those who have a loved one with dementia? 

The most important advice to Dementia patients is to keep active, both physically and mentally.  Provide appropriate stimulation for the seniors, such as art, pets, enjoying their hobbies, learn something new that is within their capacity, Music, playing bridge, mahjong........  The list is endless.   Take them out to visit more nature and meet with more people and increase their socialization. 


We would like to sincerely thank Dr. Chu for taking the time to share with us about his experiences working with individuals with dementia.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Voices of Dementia Family Members: Erika Friesen

We are excited to be launching our new blog series featuring the voices of dementia healthcare professionals and caregivers or family members, to share their perspective on what it's like working with individuals with dementia. For our first blog post, we were fortunate to speak with Erika Friesen about her family experiences with dementia.

Erika Friesen has been our wonderful teacher supervisor from Havergal College for our program. She has supported and mentored our group of student volunteers since 2016. On a personal level, her beloved father and several other dear relatives lived with dementia in their last years of life. She was not a caregiver for any of them - just a family member. She is here with us today to share her experiences with individuals with dementia.



1.     If you are comfortable sharing, can you tell us about your loved ones’ journey with dementia?


My father developed dementia after he moved into full-time intermediate care due to mobility loss. My cousin Else began to show signs while she still lived in her house independently. My aunt Eva also lived independently through the first year or so of her illness. In all these cases, it was first noticeable to me with the loved one's short-term memory loss and confusion about people in their lives.


2.     Can you share with us about your experience as a friend/relative for someone with dementia? 

It was disconcerting at first to realize that Dad was mixing up parts of his life, or that Else began talking to me as though I were my mother. But I got used to it pretty quickly because it was clear that they still loved me and were so happy to see me, even if our interactions changed drastically.


3.     What were the most rewarding and challenging moments you encountered in your interactions and relationships? 


Seeing a different version of the essential character of the loved one: Dad's joyful love of music and connecting with people; his pride in his work; his curiosity and wonder. Else's sweet natured conversation and delight in sharing food. Her happiness at seeing me arrive, even when she didn't know my name.


Watching Mom's confusion at the change in her interactions with Dad; the loved one's pain and confusion at their awareness of decline; the confusion of timelines that in one case led to an endless reliving of past pain as though it had just happened; not being known.


4.     What advice would you give to others who have a loved one with dementia? 

Focus on the love! Try not to worry about details.




We would like to sincerely thank Erika Friesen for taking the time to share with us about her personal experiences and take-aways from her relationships with individuals with dementia. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Welcome Back for our Fifth Year of the Dementia Awareness Program

We are excited to announce that we are launching the fifth year of our Dementia Awareness Program this school year – a community partnership led by Professor Nathan Herrmann and a group of high school students and alumni at Havergal College in Toronto, Canada. 

Our monthly blog series, beginning next month, will feature the voices of dementia healthcare professionals and caregivers – who will be sharing their perspective on what it’s like to work with individuals with dementia. We hope that you are as excited as we are for this new blog series, so be sure to follow our blog and check back in on the first Monday of every month. 

In the meantime, we would like to share some highlights from exciting new dementia research from: Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission (posted with the permission of Professor Gill Livingston and The Lancet). 

“Key messages

·      Three new modifiable risk factors for dementia

o   New evidence supports adding three modifiable risk factors – excessive alcohol consumption, head injury, and air pollution – to our 2017 Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, intervention, and care life-course model of nine factors (less education, hypertension, hearing impairment, smoking, obesity, depression, physical inactivity, diabetes, and infrequent social contact).

·      Modifying 12 risk factors might prevent or delay up to 40% of dementias.

·      Be ambitious about prevention

·      Specific actions for risk factors across the life course

o   Aim to maintain systolic BP of 130 mm Hg or less in midlife from around age 40 years (antihypertensive treatment for hypertension is the only known effective preventive medication for dementia).

o   Encourage use of hearing aids for hearing loss and reduce hearing loss by protection of ears from excessive noise exposure.

o   Reduce exposure to air pollution and second-hand tobacco smoke.

o   Prevent head injury.

o   Limit alcohol use, as alcohol misuse and drinking more than 21 units weekly increase the risk of dementia.

o   Avoid smoking uptake and support smoking cessation to stop smoking, as this reduces the risk of dementia even in later life.

o   Provide all children with primary and secondary education.

o   Reduce obesity and the linked condition of diabetes. Sustain midlife, and possibly later life physical activity.

o   Addressing other putative risk factors for dementia, like sleep, through lifestyle interventions, will improve general health.

·      Tackle inequality and protect people with dementia”

Thank you very much to Professor Gill Livingston and The Lancet for allowing us to share their recent work here on our blog.


It’s been amazing to see how far our blog and program have come since its inception in 2016. In September 2016, we created this two-pronged program with the goals of raising awareness and de-stigmatizing dementia through: 1) our blog, which has reached over 3,000 readers from around the world; and 2) weekly visits by a group of Havergal students to a local seniors’ residence to engage individuals with dementia and develop intergenerational relationships. Since then, we have been fortunate to be mentored by Professor Nathan Herrmann from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, who has generously given of his time and expertise to mentor and supervise our student leaders with dementia advocacy. You can also follow Professor Herrmann’s “Memory Doctor” blog for dementia caregivers, with his latest post on “Caring for a person with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic” at: http://health.sunnybrook.ca/memory-doctor/




Professor Nathan Herrmann and Student Executive Team

Chair               Selina Chow

Vice-Chair       ZoĆ« Stevens

Nathan Herrmann MD FRCPC
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Division of Geriatric Psychiatry

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre